eyes on you

eyes on you

over the rainbow

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Senin, 12 Desember 2011

foto-foto 'FAMILY DAY' di TBY

di postingan sebelumya gw bilang mau aplot foto foto di acara Family Day di TBY kemaren..nah ini lah foto-fotonya, cuma dikit si, tapi semoga bisa di lihat dengan jelas..(maklum, all pictures was take'n via handphone cam...ehehhhehee), tapi ada yang gak ke capture..uhuhu...baju-baju second yang lumayan vintage,,maaf yaaahh,,,well enjoy to check it out... (^_^) ....

with my sist, and rere

mbak Berta, my sist, rere and me...

my accesories twig

I caught on camera in the mirror

accesories twig, bookmark, second stuffs and second books

bookmark and my second stuffs

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